Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today I've finally visited the shop which was on top of my to-visit list for a while. I've learned about it on Ravelry, it was described as a shop where they sell cheap "fin de séries" yarns. Of course I couldn't miss it. :)
In short, it's one of the most unusual craft stores I've even seen. The entrance is very easy to miss, there are no signs whatsoever, only a sheet of paper on the door asking visitors to call if they want to enter. Luckily for me, the door was open. :)

The owner of the shop is an elderly Flemish lady, she speaks both Dutch (very happy I've found it out before going there) and French and is very friendly. And she has the biggest collection of yarns I've ever seen in one place.

If you're used to "posh" yarn stores with lots of light and where everything is nicely displayed, this shop is anything but. Don't tell I haven't warned you. :) This is what it looks like from the entrance:

As you see, she carries fabrics too. I saw some Christmas-y stuff, also very nice tweed and something I'd love to make a skirt from. :) Possibly some quilting stuff, I haven't looked closer.

Room number 2:

See, on the right? Bags and bags and bags full of yarn. Some are open, some still closed, 4-5 packs of the same dye lot.

You think it's all? Nope, there's room number 3:
More fabrics, more yarn, and even more fabrics at the end of the shop, in the room number 4. I haven't seen the last room, was a bit overwhelmed by the yarnie goodiness. :) But I think there are only fabrics there.

So, if you don't mind digging and have lots of time, you'll find:



and wool/wool blends:

It's mostly solids, but there are couple of shelves with glittery and multicoloured yarns and I've also seen "bobbeltjes" yarn, you know, the one you knit scarves with.

Brands. The most present are Annell and Malmedy, I've also spotted some 3Suisses and La Filanderie. And dozens of unknown to me (old) brands. There was a skein of yarn which carried nothing on it's label except of "Zultse". Was there a factory in Zulte where they made yarn?

Prices. Oh My God. I've got 25 skeins in total: 15 skeins of Annell Fjord, 6 skeins of Annell Super Extra, 3 skeins of Kid Mohair Super (unknown brand from Torino) and a skein of glittery novelty yarn. All for 29€. Do the math. :)

All this said, this shop is very likely to become my LYS. It's far from posh, but I'm not a LYS snob. The most important for me is that it's cheap, has lots of choice and is 20 minutes from my place. And I think the lady can use some new customers with a stashing disorder. :)

Rue du Crombion 2
7700 Luingne (Mouscron)
056 33 22 09

Update 1/12/2010
Opening hours:
Monday till Friday 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-19:00
Saturday 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00

The shop is closed on Sunday.


RedSamur said...

More than 2 pullovers worth for 29€ - wow.

That she's not afraid of her merchandise catching fire or moths is most intriguing ;)

rubisblue said...

This is a real Ali Baba cave!!
But I just told my friend last week that he has to forbid me to buy some more yarn in 2010.
I'm lucky Mouscron is far away from where I live.

yarnlot said...

Through this blogpost I learnt that there exists indeed a spinning mill in Zulte:

Anonymous said...

wow, this looks like a perfect shopping spot. I'll probably visit this place very soon. I just started knitting and have a lot of ideas for new projects.

Krisje said...

Wow! Dat ziet er idd een grot van Alibaba uit! En moeskroen is niet ver ;-) Waren de stofjes ook leuk? Ik zou nog een zak voor mijn breinaalden willen maken.

Michou said...

Cela m'a l'air super intéressant, est-il possible d'en connaître les jours et heures d'ouverture ? Grand merci.


severien said...

WAWW!!! Wat een schatkamer!!

Anonymous said...


Lors de votre déplacement à jurbise, la vendeuse m'a dit que vous alliez tous les mois à Mons. Voulez-vous bien me donner l'adresse et les jours où vous êtes présents. Je recherche surtout de la laine de différentes couleurs à tricoter avec des aiguilles 2. Je vous remercie. Myriam

Olga said...

Bonjour Myriam,

Je n'ai jamais été à Mons. Le vendeur doit avoir parlé de quelqu'un d'autre.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour, c'est Thierry , une vente de fils à tricoter à lieu tous les 1ers mercredi du mois à Mons, Nimy plus exactement , maison communale , place de Nimy sauf janvier, ,je suis le fils de Fibrex luingne. Bienvenue

Anonymous said...

j etais de mons et ce pendant 60 ans et jamais su qu il y avait une vente de laine je suis maintenant veue dans le var et ici y a rien de rien et ma pasion est crochet et tricot faites vous des envois vers la france ou avez vous un site ou l on peut commander svp une crocheteuse désespérée. merci a vous.

Rajputseo said...

I read that Post and got it fine and informative.
Skull Scarves UK

Anonymous said...

Bestond nu niet meer ik woon in zulte

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